So if you ask me, go for all expansions released till 1.24 and enjoy the greatness of the past days this game once had. Yes it is as there is plenty of content to be getting on with There's plenty of hours of content to be getting on with In fact it is ideal to play the game to see if you like it first before you buy any expansions. BTW dont ask your question in PDX forum cause there are several fanboys who will follow PDX in the death, defending every shitty decision. Europa Universalis IV explores the world history in an experience crafted by Paradox Development Studio. This is mainly due to the addition of a single. El Dorado might just be the best one so far. you will get lost in loans with those nations, your curroption will significantly increase and this makes you have less fun. Europa Universalis IV - Development Diary 20th of June 2023 - 1.35. With each DLC Paradox offer, EU4 just gets better and better.

Hopefully Paradox learns a thing or two from trying it out in CK2. In 1.25 the decided that you only can demand 10% of the enemies treasure as gold, wich makes horde nations or OPMs (one province minor) or very small nations in general tedious and annyoing to play with. I want this in Europa Universalis IV without having to use the Shattered Europa mod. It might be necessary to remove the Europa Universalis IV folder in My Documents whenever you revert from a newer to an older version - in this. I mean, its not unplayable but there are some things that dont properly work together so I would not recommend it.
After 2500 hrs im pretty much done with this game and the bad game design decisions. Its also possible to play the game with the most recent patch and without DLC.
The new Patch destroys the mecernarie system. This EU4 free update comes as the paid Europa Universalis DLC Domination is released, and it offers plenty of new free content and changes for you to sink your teeth into.

They are pretty good player and can explain why the game become more and more worse with every pacth. Just go on YT and search for marcoantonio or siuking. Oh wait, you cant blobb anymore cause the devs want you to play tall. And since 1.28 they force you to go over India if you want to blobb, cause trading companies are broken af. Yep! Just google "missionary states territorium" or something like that.