
Storywriting space game
Storywriting space game

storywriting space game storywriting space game

But in the original story, Tiedemann was only Chief Administrator. His goal is to get this Marker up and running, and since Isaac is the only person who can destroy the Marker, he spends the bulk of the game trying to stop Isaac from getting to it. In the final game, Tiedemann is not only the Chief Administrator of the Sprawl, but he is also leading the secret government program to build a new Marker. And there was one thing that we came up with in that room that we all loved, but eventually decided we had to kill: the original take on the villain, Hans Tiedemann. There were a bunch of us in a room – the Senior Producer who’d hired me, Executive Producer, Creative Director, major department heads – and we pretty much all worked out the story together. I should say first that story development on that game was a very collaborative effort. Were there any elements of your original script for Dead Space 2 that the developers weren’t able to incorporate into the game? If I hadn’t had good samples ready to go, then nothing would have ever come of it. That said, that luck would never have paid off if I hadn’t done my homework in advance. Next thing I knew, it turned out he was a senior producer on Dead Space 2 and offered me the job. We fell to talking, I gave him my card, he asked for a writing sample, and boom. So I introduced myself to him afterwards to offer my personal answers. But at the round table, there was this guy asking really interesting questions about writing in games. I was there for one of the experimental game summits, not really thinking about AAA game writing at all, when I discovered that an old college friend, someone I hadn’t seen in years, was running a roundtable session on game writing. How did you get the gig writing for Dead Space 2? Writers like to tell stories so we sat down with Dead Space 2's writer Jeremy Bernstein to talk about the original plot for Dead Space 2, the development of the offbeat Pretty in Pink game, and his new Santa Clause Private Eye comic.

Storywriting space game